Starting the blog I wanted to clear first that is E-visa?
There might be many among you still who are not aware of this.
It is an electronic visa issued to foreigners. It enables a person to travel to the country and roam around with proper stay but in a specific period. You don’t need to go here and there with the documents as everything will be done electronically through the internet. Those who Apply for Indian Visa should have some specific purposes like Tourism purposes, Visit of relatives/friends, Short term business stay., Sports activities, Cultural, scientific or humanitarian activities.
Here are some of the basic points to keep in mind while you Apply Indian e visa online:
For the people of the US who are visiting India for business can stay for 60 days but they have the benefit that USA citizens can get 5 or 10 years visa when they can make multiple entries. But you should have 6 months passport validity.
- This e visa process is not for the people of Pakistan as they have to go in person for the visa application process. They are not eligible for the online process.
- Your return ticket and sufficient amount of money for your stay should be there with you with proofs. It is important to be checked so that you don’t take any loan here.
- Within the same year you can get a visa for two times and don’t forget to get a copy for your visa at the time of arrival in India.
- E visa is non-extendable, non-exchangeable and not valid for restricted areas like cantonment areas. For the visit in such areas you require prior permission from authority and only then you can visit the areas.
- At the time of arrival your biometric details will be captured at immigration. This is important and it can have long queue.
- E-visa are not allowed for employment, Volunteer activities or journalism. These all are prohibited if you are just a tourist.
- E-visa does not means that you have entered India already. Your entry can be refused at the time of arrival as well if in case any of your document is not there with you like Yellow Fever Vaccination card, this is very important.
These are some of the very basic details that you need to keep in mind while applying for a visa and while coming to the country.

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