One of the basic traffic rules states that one must wear a helmet while driving and the duty of a responsible citizen is to follow all the traffic rules. A helmet is for safety in case of any mishap and it should not be considered a burden. It protects our head from severe damage in case of a deadly accident. Today there are a variety of helmets available in the market but all of them are not so effective and sadly many people priorities look over safety. Any sane person would know that full-face helmets are more reliable than half face helmets but still, people choose otherwise. Here are a few points which might help a person to select a helmet wisely:
• Full coverage- The research has proven that in an accident the distribution of impact on the helmet varies accordingly and the chin area is more likely to be affected the most in case of a mishap. In half face helmets, the chin area lies naked and unprotected and a fatal accident might cause severe damage to our face. Whereas the full-faced helmet completely covers the chin area and might be able to save us from unfortunate events.
• Full protection- The full face helmets might be more comfortable for some as they completely cover your head and usually have soft bedding inside. They protect you from wind, dust, noise and debris particles. They even protect us from the rain. The full face helmets fit your face perfectly and reduce bouncing effects while driving and keep our head safe and neck free of any strain.
• Breathability- Half face helmets are extremely comfortable as they are not tight and are open. It leaves a required amount of area for a person to breathe freely but since these are open the person is more likely to experience harsh winds, debris, dust and his face exposed to almost everything on its way.
• Selection-Half face helmets are extremely popular among young bikers and rider when it comes to maintaining fashion statement and they never fail to impress with the variety of their colors and styles available but they definitely fail in terms of safety and let down the sole purpose of carrying a helmet.
Hence a person should be wise enough and should not compromise his safety at any cost when it comes to selecting a helmet. Helmets must be worn and full face helmets must be given a priority.

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