Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis is performed to understand if there is any genetic defect in the embryo. In most of the cases, parents get to know about challenges that a child would have to face at a very later stage, but with this treatment you can be assured that your baby would be fit and healthy, however, you need to ensure that the diagnosis is done at the Best IVF Center in Bangkok.
Here are some of the top benefits-
Detection Of Genetic Diseases
Genetic diseases are common in children, which can be corrected if the parents go for preimplantation genetic diagnosis PGD, the chromosomal abnormalities once detected can be fixed.
Identifying Unhealthy Embryo
Imagine what if you go for IVF treatment and an unhealthy embryo is transferred into your uterus? Will, that delivers the desired result? Surely not. Thus, go for PGD which makes unhealthy embryo sorting possible.
Reduces Multiple Pregnancy Risk
When the embryos are transferred in a mother’s body, they are done selectively, otherwise, it causes multiple pregnancies, and this is made possible when all the unhealthy embryos are sorted out.
Saves Child From Inherent Diseases
The genes of parents are carried in children, and that’s a fact, but with preimplantation genetic diagnosis PGD, you can avoid passing on any genetic disease in your child. Is it not that you wished for?
Decision-Making Easy
The process takes place before implantation, therefore, it allows parents to make a decision whether they would like to go ahead and have a baby or not. A simple decision based on embryo’s health can assure the child’s brighter future.
However, you get multiple advantages of undergoing this treatment, but if you need to make sure that you choose only the Best IVF Center in Bangkok like, which assures that all medical aid is given at its best so that the couple does not face any problem due to mere ignorance. Tests do not always reveal all the genetic diseases, and when the results are not 100% accurate, then you cannot expect a healthy baby as a guarantee; Many times it so happens that the tests reveal that there is no normal embryo, what would you do then? The false results might lead to a transfer of the unhealthy embryo, which will put the mother at a greater risk causing miscarriage and other health issues. But don’t worry, it does not happen if you visit the right doctor.

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