Corporate Social Responsibility, also known as CSR is an act of being social support not at an individual level but company level. Many corporates whether big or small are giving a specific amount of money in the philanthropy market thereby helping the underprivileged section of the society. There is always a need for CSR donors for NGOs who are dependent on people with adequate resources to help the needy and help in supporting the society as a whole. Many companies worldwide take actively part in CSR, some of them we are discussing here:
One of the biggest companies in the world, BMW does actively participates in CSR. Their main focus is on education and keeping the environment clean. A huge some of the money is separated from their yearly budgets which is solely aimed at undertaking social responsibility being an integral part of many people’s life. Education, which is the key to many people’s future and well-being is taken care of by the company.
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American Express
Another very big name that has come forward to help the society is American Express. It mainly donates for historic preservation and community service. The company is known as one of the biggest philanthropists and CSR donors for NGOs, which aims at preserving the heritage and helping the community in many different ways.
The technology company caters to a huge section of society. The main focus is education, poverty and hunger, the main very common problems among underprivileged, especially in India. Every year there happen many deaths just because kids and even adults don’t get proper meals and they end up starving and eventually ending their life. The organization is doing its bit to solve the major problem, when are you doing your bit?
These companies have set their foot forward to help the needy and assure that those who do not have resources are not left alone, at least the NGOs which are again dependent on philanthropists like you can help in both cash and kind. If God has given you enough so that you may help people, you must surely do as whatever good you do to others, comes back to you in many other forms. Find the NGO for giving charity around you and start, it’s the best time to give a helping hand and being a crucial part of someone’s life.